The battle against fat has raged for as long as anyone can remember.
It seems that no matter what one does, unsightly body fat always finds a
way to collect in places you wish it wouldn't. Though there is plenty
of advice out there to get rid of body fat, what actually causes it?
Here are the four main reasons:
Poor Diet: This cause seems actually quite obvious-if you put bad food
in, you'll get bad results out. So aside from the obvious
recommendations about regulating how much sweet, salty, fatty foods you
eat there are other not so obvious things that could constitute a bad
diet. With the current trend on super market shelves advertising
natural, organic, healthy, and low fat foods consumers are over eating
because they feel that what they are consuming is healthy. In the
proverbial too much of a good thing- just because something is healthy
doesn't mean it is immune to overindulgence. If you eat more calories
than you burn off, you will gain weight; healthy calories or not.
Stress: In America's fast pace society a silent killer has been
stalking the public that is only recently beginning to be discovered as
the health destroyer it is. That secret killer is stress. Trying to get
out the door in the morning, sitting in traffic, meeting deadlines,
working through lunch, fighting traffic on the way home, dealing with
kids, and then going to bed has a devastating effect on your health.
Scientists are discovering that stress isn't just something that ruins
your day but actually has a direct and measurable effect on your body.
Aside from the plethora of other health issues, stress forces your body
to release the hormone Cortisol. This hormone is valuable in times of
danger and helps the body to get into a "fight or flight" state to meet
the threat. However, it is only supposed to be in the body for short
periods of time. Yet in American's stressful lifestyles the body never
returns to a normal state and is constantly in a state of stress-
meaning cortisol is constantly present. This causes impaired cognitive
function, sugar/insulin imbalances, decrease in muscle tissue, decrease
in bone density, and the big side effect: increased abdominal fat.
Inactivity: Aside from being an overly stressed society, America has
become increasingly lethargic and lazy. When Americans come home from
their stressful day they usually sink into the couch and flip on the
television. Sitting in the office all day, the car, and now sitting on
the couch doesn't exactly give your body a chance to burn off the double
cheese burger it consumed during lunch. Add to that the fact that
Americans don't just sit on the couch without eating sweet salty snacks
and you begin to see the picture. As the time ticks by while you're
sitting on the couch, soon the fourth reason for body fat begins to take
• Lack of Sleep: Everyone knows the motto that you need
approximately 7-8 hours of sleep a night. However, most people are lucky
if they get 4-5 hours a night. Sleep is when your body refuels and
rebuilds and when it cannot do that you begin to search for an alternate
source of energy and fuel- simple sugary carbs. If you've ever been
tired and tried to stay awake you know the one thing you want is a candy
bar. Aside from the dietary concerns, lack of sleep puts your body in a
stressed state and with stress comes of course stress hormones like
So with all the reasons why someone gains and retains
fat one would be inclined to ask if there is a product on the market to
help. Luckily, there is and it's called Pure Green Coffee. This all
natural pill is derived from pure green (un- cooked or processed) coffee
beans so it retains all the nutrients of raw coffee beans. These pills
can inhibit the absorption of fat resulting from a less than stellar
diet and can actually activate the body to begin metabolizing fat
already stored within the body. Pure Green Coffee can slow the release
of glucose in the blood which will help you stay fuller longer and
prevent the quick spike and fall of sugar in the blood which has been
shown to cause insulin resistance- a precursor to diabetes. Another huge
benefit of Pure Green Coffee is its high antioxidant concentration
which can help prevent the production of new fat cells within the body.
Pure Green Coffee has less than a half cup of coffee's worth of caffeine
which is just enough to give you the energy you need to get to the gym
or simply get off the couch and go outside. Why wait for the body and health you want? Pure Green Coffee will help you reach your fitness goals so you can live the life you desire.
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